How Far Did the Dog Travel?

Yesterday’s Problem:

A six digit number 312132 has two one, two twos 2 and two threes . This number has a very interesting attribute: 1 digit exists between two ones, 2 digits exist between two twos and 3 digits exist between two threes. Can we add two more 4s to become an eight digit number and still holding the above attributes plus 4 digits exist between two 4s?


The number will be 41312432 or 23421314. Of course these 2 numbers are actually the same, just reverse the direction from one to become another one. The way to solve this is, first all, put down two 4s and reserve 4 spaces between these two 4s. Then you determine  positions for two 3s. Since you can not put both 3s between 4s, one 3 must be outside of two 4s. After that you just need to try a few cases to find out he answer.

Today’s Problem:

A girl, a boy, and a dog start walking down a road. They start at the same time, from the same point, in the same direction. The boy walks at 5 km/h, the girl at 6 km/h. The dog runs from boy to girl and back again with a constant speed of 10 km/h. The dog does not slow down on the turn. How far does the dog travel in 1 hour?

Add Two Numbers and Still Retain the Logic

Last Problem:

James visited an island. There were 2 tribes living on this island. The east tribal people always tell a lie. The west tribal people always tell the truth. James saw a guy passing him. He asked the tour guide to ask that guy where he lives. The tour guide asked the guy and came back with the answer: he lives over west. Did the tour guide tell the truth or tell a lie?


If the guy was from the west, he should answer the truth: I am from the west. If the guy was from the east, he also should tell a lie: I am from the west. The answer will always be: ‘I am from the west’. So we know the tour guide was telling the truth.

Today’s Problem:

A six digit number 312132 has two one, two twos 2 and two threes . This number has a very interesting attribute: 1 digit exists between two ones, 2 digits exist between two twos and 3 digits exist between two threes. Can we add two more 4s to become an eight digit number and still holding the above attributes plus 4 digits exist between two 4s?

Truth or Falsehood?

Last Question:

A pool has four taps. The first tap takes two days to fill the pool, the second tap three days, the third four days and the last one only 6 hours. How long will it take to fill the pool using all 4 taps at once?


First, work out how much of the pool gets filled by each tap in one hour. The first tap takes 48 hours to fill the pool, so in one hour it fills 1/48 of the pool. The second tap 1/72. The third tap 1/96. And the fourth tap fills 1/6 of the pool in one hour. We need to add all those fractions together:

1/48 + 1/72 + 1/96 + 1/6 = 61/288

So, in one hour the pool will be 61/288 full and it will be completely full in 288/61 hours = 4 hours 43 minutes and 17 seconds.

Today’s Problem:

James visited an island. There were 2 tribes living on this island. The east tribal people always tell a lie. The west tribal people always tell the truth. James saw a guy passing him. He asked the tour guide to ask that guy where he lives. The tour guide asked the guy and came back with the answer: he lives over west. Did the tour guide tell the truth or tell a lie?

How Long Does It Take to Fill the Pool?

Last Problem:

I have a horse. Do you know what color it is? Allan said,

“I guess it is not black”.

Brian said,

It is either brown, or gray”.

Charlie said

“I know it is brown”.

I said,

“At least one of you is right and at least one of you is wrong.”

What is the color of my horse if the color is one of the above?


If the horse is brown. then every one is right. This is not the answer. If the horse is black, then every one is wrong. This is not the answer either. Therefore, the horse is gray. To verify the answer, Allan was right, Brian was right, but Charlie was wrong.

Today’s Question:

A pool has four taps. The first tap takes two days to fill the pool, the second tap three days, the third four days and the last one only 6 hours. How long will it take to fill the pool using all 4 taps at once?

What Color is the Horse?

Last Problem:

A lady and a gentleman are sister and brother. We do not know who is older. Someone asked them: Who is older? The sister said:

I am older.

The brother said:

I am younger.

At least one of them was lying. Who is older?


Since there is no conflict between what they said, it meant that either they both told a lie or both told the truth.

In this case they both told a lie. The answer is the brother is older.

Today’s Problem:

I have a horse. Do you know what color it is? Allan said,

“I guess it is not black”.

Brian said,

It is either brown, or gray”.

Charlie said

“I know it is brown”.

I said,

“At least one of you is right and at least one of you is wrong.”

What is the color of my horse if the color is one of the above?

Who is Older?

Yesterday’s Problem:

There was a burglary in the Olympia Kluh jewelry store last Sunday. Three suspects – Robert, Scott, and Tommy – were caught and questioned. Each person said,

One of the other two stole it. I did not do it.”

Later on the police found out that Tommy was lying and there was only one thief. Who was the thief?


Tommy was the thief. He was not telling the truth. He stole it.

Today’s Problem:

A lady and a gentleman are sister and brother. We do not know who is older. Someone asked them: Who is older? The sister said:

I am older.

The brother said:

I am younger.

At least one of them was lying. Who is older?

Who is the Thief?

Last Mind Twister:

My successors father is my fathers son and I do not have any brothers or sons. Who is my successor?

a) Nephew
b) Niece
c) Daughter
d) Myself


c) Daughter

Today’s Problem:

There was a burglary in the Olympia Kluh jewelry store last Sunday. Three suspects – Robert, Scott, and Tommy – were caught and questioned. Each person said,

One of the other two stole it. I did not do it.”

Later on the police found out that Tommy was lying and there was only one thief. Who was the thief?