Yesterday’s Problem:
A six digit number 312132 has two one, two twos 2 and two threes . This number has a very interesting attribute: 1 digit exists between two ones, 2 digits exist between two twos and 3 digits exist between two threes. Can we add two more 4s to become an eight digit number and still holding the above attributes plus 4 digits exist between two 4s?
The number will be 41312432 or 23421314. Of course these 2 numbers are actually the same, just reverse the direction from one to become another one. The way to solve this is, first all, put down two 4s and reserve 4 spaces between these two 4s. Then you determine positions for two 3s. Since you can not put both 3s between 4s, one 3 must be outside of two 4s. After that you just need to try a few cases to find out he answer.
Today’s Problem:
A girl, a boy, and a dog start walking down a road. They start at the same time, from the same point, in the same direction. The boy walks at 5 km/h, the girl at 6 km/h. The dog runs from boy to girl and back again with a constant speed of 10 km/h. The dog does not slow down on the turn. How far does the dog travel in 1 hour?