A Beaker Half Full of Amoebas

Yesterday’s Problem:

A woman owns ten female dogs. Everyone of the dogs has had a puppy and none has had as many as ten. Does that mean that at least two of the dogs have had the same number of puppies?



Today’s Problem:

A single amoeba in a beaker can divide into two in one minute. After another minute, each of those two amoebas split, leaving four amoebas. At the end of forty minutes, the beaker is full.

How many minutes did it take for the beaker to be half full of amoebas?

How Many Birds and Beasts?

Last Problem:

In a reading room at the library there are several three-legged stools and four-legged chairs and they are all occupied. If you count thirty-nine legs in the room, is it possible to figure out how many stool, chairs and people there are?


Yes. There is a unique solution, but you simple have to remember that every leg is counted – stool legs, chair legs and people legs!

For every occupied stool there are five legs (three stool legs and two people legs). And every occupied chair counts for six legs. So, this means the following:

5 multiplied by the number of stools + 6 multiplied by the number of chairs = 39.

There are three stools, four chairs and seven people.

Today’s Problem:

On a trip to the zoo on Easter Sunday I counted 36 heads and 100 feet. Can you work out how many birds and how many beasts I saw?